Kidd+Zigrino on melliand 's ITMA Asia+ CITME Preview


Kidd+Zigrino on melliand 's ITMA Asia+ CITME Preview

Kidd+Zigrino (K+Z) Corporation Ltd. has developed various machinery for creating solutions for textile printing, dyeing, and finishing, with wide ranges of products from color paste preparation equipment, rotary screens preparation equipment, garment printing tables, steam agers/polymerizers, and many other various types of ancillary equipment. At the ITMA Asia+ CITME  innovative technology and simple to use products will be exhibited that make operation productive and safe. 

The following machines will be shown: 
5 Hp High Speed Colour Homogenizer Unit for the effective and speedy homogenizing of colour pastes.  This is suitable for up to 100 kg. Color Tubs, consisting of a 2 speed (1450/2900 Rpm.) AC motor unit, are connected to a stainless mixer head assembly, consisting of a robust drive shaft. A special design blade ensuring total homogenization of colour paste in the fastest possible time, restricting the heat caused by friction action of colour paste on the high speed blade. In addition, the heavy duty steel mixer lifting unit retaining a traveling carriage lift mechanism for accepting high speed mixer/homogenizer unit

Colour Vacuum Filtering and Tub Lifting Unit for high speed filtering of printing colour paste. It can accommodated various sizes of colour tubs. It ensures safe tilting through being equipped with an adjustable tubs retainer bar along with having lifting unit guarded with stainless panel sections. In addition, the machine’s system enables colour tubs to accurately dispense the colour paste into the vacuum filtering unit through having traveling carriage connected via Chain/Chain-wheels to an AC motor-geared Drive Unit, retaining an electro-magnetic brake.

Colour Tub Auto-Washing Machines  This model is suitable to wash one 60 kg or 120/150 kg colour tub/container. The machines simply use less water but at the same time ensure thorough cleaning of color tub/container through having cabinet equipped with nylon bristled brushed inclusive of pressurized water spray system. Brushes are arranged to simultaneously brush clean both external and internal sections of colour tub/containers thereby helping reduce cleaning time.

Rotary Screen-Coating Machine for uniform application of emulsion paste on engraving rotary screens.The latest model will be shown at Shanghai and it retains interchangeable adapters for coating rotary screens up to 1018 mm repeat sizes. Interchangeable adapters to suit other varying repeat sizes can be supplied on request as extra option. Rotary screen conical retainer equipped with clamping mechanism for retaining interchangeable aluminium cone section for firm maintainance of rotary screens during coating application. Traveling carriage equipped with well prepared aluminium retainer unit for witholding the interchangeable coating application, required for uniform application of emulsion paste onto the rotary screens   

Rotary Screen-End Ring Gluing Machine for precise and secure insertion of end rings into rotary screens. It accommodates varying rotary screens lengths and repeat sizes. It consists of 2 middle section base frame for retaining interchangable clamping unit providing safety support rotary screens during the insertion of the end rings. In addition, there is a purposely designed electrical heating elements for drying the applied adhesive onto the rotary screens to retain the end rings. 

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